5 Manufacturing Trends to Consider as You Plan for 2022

December 10, 2021

Looking to 2022? Consider this.

According to Automation Insights:

It’s that time of year again where we all start to forget the current year (maybe that’s OK) and start thinking of plans for the next — strategy and budget season! 2022 is only a few weeks away!

I thought I’d share 5 insights I’ve had about 2022 that you might benefit from as you start planning for next year.

    1. Electric Vehicles

      The electric vehicles manufacturing market is receiving major investments, machine builders are building up expertise, and consumers are trending towards more electric vehicles. According to PEW research, 7% of US adults say they currently own a hybrid or electric vehicle, but 39% say the next time they purchase a vehicle they are at least somewhat likely to seriously consider electric. Traditional automotive won’t go away any time soon, but I see this as a growth generator.

    1. Automation in Agriculture & Food

      Automation in the agriculture, food, beverage and packaging markets is also growing strong with more demand for packaged goods and more SKUs than ever before. Urbanization and shortages in agriculture labor markets are driving investments in automation technologies in manufacturing and on the farm. Robotic agriculture startups seem to be growing faster than weeds and are providing real value for those who are struggling to get product from the field to the factory.

    1. Supply Chain Disruption

      Several economists have said the chip shortage will be with us well into 2023, and now I hear rumors of plastics or other materials having disruptions. Disruption might be the new normal for the short to mid-term. I flew out of LAX a few weeks ago and there were dozens of container ships parked outside the port. We are also seeing a major breakdown of our “over-land” logistics infrastructure. Investment in automation and labor for this market will be vital to a strong recovery. Plan for these things and be willing to have open and honest discussions with your vendors and your customers. Untruths might get you by in the short term but could permanently damage your business relationships for years.

    1. Real not Hyped Sustainability

      As Generation Z (18-24year old) workers increasingly enter our economy, they are pushing us to truly work towards sustainability much more than Millennials did before them. What this means is other markets that I see as growth opportunities are ones where we can have major impact on this, like mining, waste/recycling, and agriculture.

    1. Technology as an HR tool

      All manufacturers will be impacted by the skills-gap and labor shortage if you aren’t already. Part of your strategy for 2022 must include automation and robotics as part of your labor strategy. We need to consider how can we use automation and robotics to do our dull, dirty, dangerous jobs or how can we use automation and robotics to extend the careers of our long-term experienced workers. What disruptive technology could you be investing in to make a real difference in your work processes — 3D printing, machine vision, AR/VR, exoskeletons, drones, virtual twin, AI, predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, smart sensors? Pick something you will do different in 2022. You have to.

What do you see for 2022 that will have a major impact on our businesses?

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